Visit to the
Kuril Island of Kunashir, 27 & 28 August 2002 Our trip to Kunashir, part of the Kuril Islands east of
Sakhalin and heavily disputed, was planned well in advance. Locals had
warned us flying down there included the risk of not getting back for
weeks, as it tends to be pretty foggy down there and airplanes can't
We spend one day waiting at the airport and barbecuing at
the neighbours. There was one airplane taking off for Kunashir that day,
but for passengers with tickets dating up to three days back.
Day two: we flew to Kunashir around noon, but when the
flight time had elapsed, the pilot said we were going back to Sakhalin
as it was too foggy to land. In our garage we consumed some of the food
our travel guide had bought. Better than camping, as it was raining cats
and dogs. Plan B was camping on central Sakhalin. The rest of the group
did, and had a great time climbing the second highest mountain on the
island. I found another opportunity to get to Kunashir: by Peace Boat. I
was allowed on as a journalist (sometimes there are some advantages
about having a job like that.....).
The Peace Boat in the harbour of Korsakov, Sakhalin. It
was carrying around 530 Japanese people... The aim of the Peace Boat's
visit to Kunashir was to create mutual understanding between Russians
and Japanese people on a person-to-person level. Russia seized the Kuril
Islands after the Second World War. Japan claims four of them, among
which Kunashir.
After sailing for one day we could see Kunashir.
Sailormen in the harbour - which was rundown but had a new
pier, financed with Japanese tax payers money.
Lunch at the 'friendship' house, also financed by the
Japanese government (definitely the nicest building in Kunashir's
capital Yuzhno-Kurilsk). Some say the Japanese government only provides
humanitarian aid to support its political case.
Lenin still stands, but many buildings don't after a major
earthquake in 1994. They haven't been rebuilt...
No paved roads, not even in the city centre.
Hardly anything available at the market (although I found
a bottle of South African wine in the shops, which surprised me a lot
and made my day).
Very different vegetation than on Sakhalin: subtropical.
This is Oki Kano, an 'Ainu'. The native people Ainu used
to live on Kunashir and Oki was the first in decades to play the
traditional instrument 'Tonkiri' on Kunashir again during a festival in
which both Russians and Japanese participated.
These Russian soldiers were performing a song with the
refrain: "The Kuril Islands, they will never be Japanese, always be
ours." Good thing most Japanese visitors couldn't understand the
Bye Kunashir! Next year, I'll try to go back and see the
magnificent nature (24 hours on the island proved to be too short). That
is weather allowing, of course...
Do you want to know more about this trip to Kunashir? Read
the following article: