Petersburg, 6-21 July 2007 What do you do for a
holiday as a single woman? So I thought: what the heck, I'm
going to make myself useful and do some voluntary work in
Russia. A nice way to brush up my Russian at the same time.
Through SIW (a Dutch organization for international
volunteer projects) I found an interesting project in the St
Petersburg region: improving the park of a country house. I
had little expectations, but even those expectations weren't
fulfilled! |
First we got the chance to see a bit of St Petersburg
during the pre-camp from 6-9 July. In the middle Luba from
the Russian NGO 'Mir Tesen', that organized the project. |
Then we had a Russian welcome party at the Mir Tesen
office (where we slept) with lots of vodka and food... |
After which we went to see the opening of the bridges at
01.45. The bridges are open at night to allow ships to get
through. Most people in Europe watched the Live Earth
concert on 7 July 2007, Russians go out on the street and
get married. The bridges only close at around 5am. You
better decide on what side of St P you want to be before
they open or otherwise... you're stuck. There are plans for
a tunnel but it might take a few years before it's ready for
use. |
Then it was time to move to Gostilitsi, a town at 70km
from St Petersburg. That's where we were going to work for
two weeks. We had expected to be living on the country side,
with plenty of these houses... |
Instead, we were deported to a run-down Soviet style
town, where Lenin's statue still stands... The only place of
interest was a huge war monument. This was one of the three
shops. As the shops offered the same selection of products,
one would have been enough, really. |
Accommodation was in a school. This is the whole group,
except for me taking the picture, but you know what I look
like anyway. Still smiling, cause we hadn't seen the
interior yet... From left to right: Nera from Serbia (who
put herself in charge of keeping the place tidy, a hell of a
job..), loud and boisterous Zagorka from Montenegro,
would-be politician Zoë
from France, crazy Francois from Quebec, punk Wanya from
Russia, always smiling camp leader Katya from Russia and the
second punk Alec, also from Russia (who made me listen to
the sex pistols!). |
No, this is not a close up of a bed in a Russian state
prison. It is a close up of my bed. Actually they were fine.
Sleeping on this spring compares most to sleeping in a
hammock. |
It is no coincidence that some people were in bed, in
the middle of the day, when this picture was taken. Some of
us (I won't mention any names) were more in bed than that
they were out of bed... Needles to say there was no shower
and no hot water available in the school. |
We had two rusty electric hot plates to cook on in this
lovely kitchen. In the back the oven with on top one of the
two pans we had available for cooking. A real challenge when
you have to cook for a group of eight people. That's when
you get inventive. For example, we used old water bottles
for whipping egg white... Another challenge was that we only
had 25 Euros per day available for food for the whole group.
We took turns, preparing a meal typical for our home
country. We sort of managed to make sort of tasty meals. |
We were promised a Russian banya (sauna) as a
replacement for the shower. It existed but only worked once
a week. So we didn't even go there in the end. The only way
to freshen up was to make a 1,5km walk to this small lake
with cold but very clean water. |
Enough complaining about the accommodation. After all,
we had come to work here, as camp leader Katya indicates
here.... |
We had to improve the park of the palace built by Kirill
Razumovsky in 1745, whose brother Alexey was the lover of
empress Elizabeth. This is what it looked like in the middle
of the 19th century. |
This is what it looked like in the beginning of the 20th
century. |
And this is what it looks like now. It was heavily
damaged in the Second World War, as many other palaces. |
That is to say: this is what it looked like before we
started working. |
This is during the work. |
And after the work. Just kidding. This is Peterhof, the
palace Peter the Great built. But it was in similar shape as
the palace where we were working before it was restored. We
got to make a lot of trips in the region as the promised
tools to work with never came. All we did was remove rubbish
for a few hours every day. We went to Peterhof on July 13,
which happened to be the birthday of the place... Therefore
it was very crowded with Russians, who all wanted the same
shot... |
We also got to see the beautiful palace of Catherina the
Great in Pushkin. It was only a ruin before it was restored.
The Russians do an amazing job in restoring. |
And the more classical palace in Pavlovks, just 5km from
Pushkin. There is a whole ring of palaces around St
Petersburg, built by rulers who didn't want to be in the
city all the time, but chose to relax on the country side. |
The palace in Lomonosov is already ten years under
reconstruction. The main building is still closed.
Part of the palace buildings in Lomonosov is already
restored. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath to wait until
the main building is restored.
After an overdose of palaces I needed something else:
the Nikolai circus. Really impressive. Lot's of work to be
done for the Dutch Party for the Animals, that was recently
founded. In a Russian circus, half of the acts are with
animals: camels, bears (ever seen a bear on a motor cycle?),
parrots, sea lions, etc. |
OK, one last palace then... The Hermitage. Quicker seen
from the water than from the inside... Bye bye St
Petersburg, see you next time! |