Snowstorm Diary, 4-7 January 2003 |
The famous Russian writer Chekhov, who visited Sakhalin at the end of
the 19th century, wrote: "Sakhalin doesn't have a climate, just
weather". True, although it is very unlikely not to be overtaken by
a blizzard in January. This year, horizontal snowfall started on
Saturday January 4, which was a working day. Transportation was still
possible that first day. This diary starts on the second day, when
things turned really bad...
January 5, 6:30am. View from the window on the second floor of our
house. Back to bed, as it would not only take hours to dig us out, it
would take even longer before the roads in town were cleared.
January 4, 8:30am. The dark spot in front of the house is
a compound worker shoveling his way to the door of our neighbour.
January 4, 9:30am. The only way out is to start shoveling from the
garage using a stepladder to get onto the snow (as we had found out two
years earlier, when the snow came even one metre higher).
What that wooden thing is? It's a sledge of native people that I
found along the track from the eastern to the western side of the
island. Today, restored copies of this type of sledge can only be seen
in museums. Going to get a tough time with customs to get this Russian
artifact out of the country (take it apart, pack it and ship it as skis
or firewood, I guess.....).
January 4, 10:30am. Only two metres to go and we are freed
at last!
January 4, 11:00. Time for a walk around the compound. These people
would be trapped inside their house a little longer. The spot in the
middle in front of the houses is a car...
Stop! Watch out for... Snowslides?
January 4, 15:00pm. Nude bathing in the Jacuzzi for once, no
January 4, 18:00. Emile had brought his computer home
having learnt from previous experiences - being snowed in for two days
is nothing...
January 6, 9:00am. It has stopped snowing!
January 6, 16:00pm. Yes, the compound workers did an
amazing job.
January 6, 17:00pm. They hadn't cleared the entrance to
our neighbour's door, knowing he wasn't at home. But we had to feed his
cat! Another 30 minutes of shoveling for me...
January 7, 11:00am. On this main road usually four cars drive next to
each other. The police sparsely gives permits to cars and buses (on
January 6 only two ambulances, two fire engines and one police car were
allowed on the road).
January 7, 12:00am. Transportation or not, slowly life
turns back to normal. A second snowstorm was predicted but held off.